Whether it is the loss of a loved one, a promotion, moving to a new house or finding out the best restaurant in town permanently closed down,certain events in life are out of our control, and certain events are within our control. Regardless, there is one thing for sure – change is inevitable and often unexpected.
Change can come in different forms, positive and negative. Coping with those changes can sometimes be extremely difficult and tough to come to terms with. Let’s learn how to conquer fear and accept the changes ahead with a few healthy practices.
Acknowledge the change: In order to manage change, we first need to recognize and accept it. Easier said than done, right? The best way to do this is to evaluate the level of control you have over the situation. Sometimes we become fixated over problems that we have no control over, or people who might not ever change their mindset, approach, or actions. Instead, avert your attention to what you can control.
Practice Self-Care and Seek Support:Seeking support from family and friends who might be going through the same transitions can help push away any grief you might be experiencing. Don’t hesitate to ask a medical professional for help. Accept your feelings and pay attention to what you might have learned from the event. This is a crucial step in overcoming the fear associated with change.Taking care of yourself is vital in order to heal. Tame your hair, wear your favorite item of clothing, and focus on being strong, healthy, and resilient to make beneficial, rational decisions in the future.
Re-evaluate Your Priorities: Seeing change as an opportunity to grow allows you to consider your priorities. Ask yourself these questions:
- What do you want to spend your precious time doing?
- What and who is important to you?
- What and who do you think you might be wasting your time and energy on?
- What are things you enjoy doing?
Assess Your Thought Patterns: It’s easy for our minds to take us into a dark place by creating negative scenarios of what the future might look like. Practicing yoga, exercise, deep breathing, or meditating can help regain control of our brains. Think about how rational your thoughts really are and continuously remind yourself of challenges that you have successfully navigated through in the past. Focus on positives instead of negatives by being open to new challenges instead of creating a barrier between you and new possibilities.
Be In The Now: While it is important to move on, give yourself time to get in sync with your body by noticing how it responds to tension and anxiety. Setting time aside for yourself every day to relax and refocus is a great way to start the healing process. Always keep in mind, when you looke great, you automatically feel better.
In times like this, it’s very normal to feel out of direction or as if you are not living up to your expectations. Just remember to take things one step at a time. We are all human, we make mistakes, but we live, and we learn. Some things are just out of our control.